Month: November 2021

Experiences Are Everything

As with most great pieces of advice, this idea by Steve Jobs prompted a “damn, he’s right” moment in my head.

Some time ago, I did an exercise where I tried to recall the key turning points in my life. After a while, I realized that it was

never a “genius idea” or “an amazing realization” that shaped my path — but people.

I’d meet someone. I’d have my core assumptions challenged.

We’d do something together that I’d never think of doing on my own. In the end, I’d be left with experiences and lessons that I

never would’ve been able to get just by my own intellectual effort.

Jobs himself was highly inspired by Buddhism, which he explored in his college years. The Zen philosophy’s keywords —

simplicity, empathy, and mindfulness — are not at all alien to Apple’s products.

It’s not necessary to travel or take LSD to gather interesting experiences and form value-adding perspective of the world.

Your vehicle of choice could be reading, or devouring online courses. Mine is meeting really interesting people and then

getting to the bottom of who they are.

But the rule of thumb is clear: if you want to be truly smart in today’s professional world, you have to gather experiences that

few others in your tribe have. That’s how you learn to see things in a way that might be called visionary.

By: Dr. Shubh Gautam